I am very upset.

I just talked to my mom. She just tried to do something nice for her boyfriend of 5 years.

He cheated on her. She caught him.

And I thought this goofy fuck boy was solid.

I am upset. And I hope he gets hurt.
Alright. I've calmed down. Mom is calm. We are already laughing about this.

My mom took a chance on this dude. He had imprisonment issues. They started talking a few months before he had to go back in for child support payments for a kid he assumed guardianship for [so ... like not his kid but still claimed responsibility].

That meant a lot to me.
We got a lot of 'play cousins' in our family and a lot of reasons for that are due to drugs and imprisonment.

I was still a hard sell, but I'm in a different city. When he got out he just started fixing things around the house for my mom.

He is an amazing contractor.
Not only that, but he respected my mom's wishes with my little sis who is special needs. When my lil sis didn't want him around ... he was not allowed in the house.
So ... here's how he got caught.
Because of his issues with the law ... he isn't allowed to have a driver's license [it's actually one of many reasons I begain reading more about prison abolishment.]

He's been bussing, ubering and occasionally my mom will drop him off at a job site.
He goes through great lengths to make sure my mom doesn't pick him up or drop him off because "a woman shouldn't have to do that for her man."

I agree ...
Sidenote: about two years ago. My mom had a surgery that I had to drive her and him to. We had our first "real convo."

He served time with a lot of my old fam friends. So he knows me and my mom know a lot of the same people he knows ... in a "they will take care of it" sense.
But also ... this was our first convo where we were talking about sports, street shit and ... ugh politics.

He's a Trump supporter. But he can't vote and is mad at "Messicans for stealing all the construction work jobs."
But after seeing how this dude was day in and day out helping my mom post-surgery. Keeping the fridge stocked. And just genuinely working hard with keeping shit from falling apart at my mom's ...

I was sold on this dude. I really thought I could push shit aside.
But today. My mom called him. He was coughing like crazy. He said he was going to go to work and go get checked out by a doc tomorrow.

My mom decided to surprise him with some medicine and juice and some homecooking.
When she showed up, he wasn't there yet. As she's walking down from his porch she notices a familiar car and the driver looked like him ... and the car just takes off.

She decides to hop in her SUV. AND. FOLLOW. HIM.
This man is going through all the back alleys on the east side if Cleveland. Runs a red light, hops on a freeway, and there's my mom ... right behind him the whole time.
She notices, as this dude is darting between semi trucks and shit, there is another woman in the car.
The woman was apparently irate and clearly ... this is her car.
He drives through three cities. And eventually pulls over in a fucking Cracker Barrel parking lot. And my mom basically says to the woman "are you okay?"

She snatches her keys from him and says "I am now."
They have that woman-to-woman discussion. He pleads and says "I fell in love with you both!"

Apparently he had been cheating with this other woman for over a year. She was told all the same lies he told my mom. He's helping her son learn how to drive.
He met this other woman in high school and cheated on her several times. And she said she'd still take him back.

That made me sad.

But something funny happened.

Apparently, they both left him in that dusty ass parking lot.
Locks & codes are being changed. My mom is good. That's all I care about.

I hate that I fell for this dude. I now understand what women are talking about when it comes to broken trust.

I really hope my mom, if she chooses, finds someone worth her time.
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