we as a part of the gen that grew up with massive, unfiltered access to the internet should step back and start restricting a few things cause quite frankly, some stuff really doesn't belong or should be near certain media, esp things aimed for kids and teen lol
like ....... i get how it's hard to navigate the internet and all without stumbling on mature things/nsfw (not just p*rn, other stuff can be nsfw) stuff and how certain spaces are where you can post that stuff freely but um idk maybe look at yourself when youre combining-
nsfw things like p*rn, gore, etc with things that shouldn;t really be considered in the first place like kids and teen media
there's the argument of "oh let me have my freedom to do what i want/express my ideas in any way that i want" but like.... if it's especially combining nsfw topics with media and things aimed to minors or posting nsfw things to unfiltered sections of the media,-
then you're exposing minors to concepts without any sort of way to be careful/safe/mindful about it and avoid it because quite literally, exposing minors to nsfw things without any form of a controlled safe environment is illegal, the minor can't consent and can be influenced to-
- think something is ok to be exposed to as a minor or be desensitized to it. the point is, if you don't explain and teach kids/teens on avoiding and filtering certain content bc 1. it is illegal for them to consume/view and 2. they will most likely be groomed through this, -
- especially if nsfw/mature topics are combined with media that is intended for them, then you're just in the wrong by exposing minors to nsfw things without any sort of filters or "shield" from it. it's weird and freak nature to try and combine stuff meant for minors with-
mature topics. this thread got longer than i expected, must be cause i'm passionate about this and i wish i had a better filter for nsfw content from like kids media, but the point is really stop trying to bring nsfw concepts into stuff meant for kids and teens. its disgusting
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