I feel as though I should probably make a full thread as for why the bakery's such a godawful server and the stupid shit these people've been doing to me and other community members and trying to pass it off as laughs or as if it didn't happen https://twitter.com/ArchWk2/status/1305576871942393858?s=19
from my experience with the group, and keep in mind I had joined around early 2018 or so, most of the group's comedy style either boiled down people randomly saying the nword or causing arguments then perpetually shitposting and essentially screaming when anyone took it seriously
There were countless times I essentially just had to up and leave the group because I couldn't get a point across without arch or sin or les col or whoever tf else trying to derail any sense of rationale with what essentially boils down to covering your ears and going LALALALA
that's just the tip of the iceberg, considering the entire group is essentially just used to shittalk behind people's back, post random twitter threads they don't like so everyone can be as stupid ss possible on it, and echo-chamber their opinions 'til they're fact
I remember a little while back, darkly randomly went after me for "being jealous of schmooey" or something dumb and tried cancelling me on twitter over it, all because I wasn't in the group for 2 weeks and couldn't say "yeah, but that's wrong though" until my notifs were flooded
a while back they'd started treating lean as though his opinion didn't matter because he tends to get annoyed. seeing how they act, it's pretty impossible to NOT get annoyed at that type of behavior. it's like watching toddlers running around screaming swears at mach 6
of course there's the whole recent BS of arch and crew essentially bullying me for my opinion that raphnets haven't been a universal good to the community, which is funny as shit since he had to post that tweet to the bakery and get all his friends to help.
lets also not forget how quick they are to just bring random shit to twitter in general. What with Tiff/Aren/myself/alec/etc etc - any time something happens, all of them are instantly willing to turn it into community drama because they have no idea how to behave properly
I know that shit's personally made me hate using twitter, because all that ever comes from this community every other week is some furry-tier drama, like come tf on, do something better for the community, stop trying to call out people or start random shit
the biggest concern from the group has always been people "leaking" things from the group, which should 100% always be a red flag, nothing happens in my private server that I don't mind everyone seeing (granted you're above 18)
they even go as far as to insult and throw away friendships with people that they even suspect of leaking things from the group, 's been the case with me, lean, william, and pretty much anyone else they deemed "sus".u
undoubtably the worst part is how they flip a switch outside the server and all of a sudden learn manners and act in a way that makes people not recognize the whole 2-faced persona that creates, Trust me, I see it, shit ain't cool
as much as I'm sure they'll argue "it's just a private friend group" or whatever, that doesn't justify their childish and annoying actions, and as much quote-tweets as this'll get from them won't equate to a damn thing other than proving how childish the whole group is.
as I've said in a previous tweet - there's a damn good reason the older parts of this community despise the bakery - it's pretty easy to not be a piece of shit, but they easily excell at the opposite.
one final thing - that group tries to argue their echo-chambered opinions everywhere, regardless of context. If I talk about how slide spamming is annoying and shouldn't even work in CH, someone from that server ALWAYS says "it's not hardware, it's a skill" HOWISTHATRELEVANTTHO
Here before they've had time to properly come up with "comebacks" to all my points collectively and bring their shite outside the group instead of just pissing off
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