1 like = 1 unpopular kpop opinion that may or may not get me ratioed
1. i don't personally like the way most girl groups sound so i don't stan any (aka loud and busy and high pitched = no thank u)
2. i hate mullets so much please they remind me of rednecks (im southern don't come for me)
3. (skz) back door > miroh
4. streaming isn't actually the most important thing about being a fan and pressuring other fans into streaming just makes you an asshole.
5. sometimes fanwars can be entertaining, given that no idols are actually being attacked and both sides are just being dumdums.
6. (bts) old songs > new songs
7. jimin from aoa has a voice that sounds like a cat clawing on a chalkboard (she got cancelled for being a bitch im allowed to say this bye)
8. changbin is the BEST korean idol rapper and i do not take criticism
9. just because you're a veteran stan or you stan senior groups doesn't mean you're better than newer stans or newer generation stans.
11. not unpopular but still needs to be said: SEXUALIZING UNDERAGED IDOLS IS GROSS AND WRONG, EVEN IF YOU YOURSELF ARE UNDERAGED!!!!!!!!!!
12. soft stans and hard stans should be able to get along without shaming each other for how they act.
14. just because someone is a casual stan with a life outside the fandom doesn't make them any less of a fan.
15. kpop stans who only listen to kpop because it's what they prefer are NOT koreaboos.
16. kpop stans who struggle to pronounce korean names (but they actually try their best) shouldn't be shamed, and should actually be recognized for their effort.
17. some noise music is good, and some noise music is complete garbage.
18. just because a fandom is infamously toxic doesn't mean you get a free pass to hate on the group.
19. you're allowed to only like one or two songs from a group without being pressured to stan them if you don't want to.
20. the kpop fandom has NO age limits. if you're 9 and you wanna stan, that's cool. if you're 40 and you wanna stan, that's great too.
21. jopping is only redeemed by mark's iconic rap verse, and the luten erasure is annoying at best and straight up CRIMINAL at worst.
22. if an idol OR stan account does something wrong (within reason), they should be given a chance to apologize and be educated before being attacked and cancelled.
23. again, within REASON, if a stan account does something wrong and you tag a bunch of their followers and try to shame/guilt trip them into unfollowing them instead of just letting them know so they can make their own decision, you're controlling.
24. if you support doni and coni you're either a new stan or a fucking idiot.
25. your idols do NOT know you personally. they love and care about you as a fan, not as a person.
26. being an idol is their JOB. it's hard work and a lot of them enjoy doing it, but they should be able to expect the same separation between work and personal life as any employee should.
27. just because you feel like you know the persona your idol puts out in front of cameras does NOT mean you know them personally.
28. even if an idol chooses to show us glimpses into their personal life (vlogs, instagram posts, etc), it does NOT give us a free pass to barge into the rest of their personal life.
29. demanding content from a group without considering how they're feeling is selfish and childish.
30. ebg is pointless in my opinion, there i said it đŸ˜€
31. baking and decorating a cake on your idol's birthday isn't creepy, it's cute. (and neither is having their name put on your own birthday cake if you share birthdays @ 17 year old me putting mine and bambam's names on my cake)
32. you can still be a valid kpop fan and not be interested in kdramas.
33. there's a difference between being a problematic solo stan/akgae and not being very familiar with a group and stanning the one member you're familiar with.
34. it is OKAY to not like every single song/album your idols release.
35. furthermore, it is OKAY to think your ult's style in a comeback doesn't suit them as long as you're not a dick about it.
36. especially to fans from the us and other western countries: knowing your idol's blood type isn't weird because in korea (and maybe other asian countries) blood type is used in horoscopes/compatibility the same way zodiac signs are used in the west.
37. most lyric video channels on youtube are problematic and (not so) secretly steal money from companies by taking advantage of loopholes in the copyright system.
38. (again this literally happened to me BECAUSE of this thread) calling someone misogynistic just because they don't like the SOUND of girl groups just means you don't know how to accept different opinions đŸ€§
39. just because a group doesn't write/compose their own songs or create their own choreographies doesn't mean they aren't hardworking and talented.
40. blonde hair suits every idol no questions asked
41. idols are people too and they often struggle with mental health just like we do.
42. hyuna carries the entire industry on her back and she deserved so much better than cube gave her.
43. babying idols and calling them tiny even if they're grown is cute and if you get upset about it i guess u just hate fun :]
44. seeing some people being embarrassed about liking kpop and keeping it a secret from people irl makes me sad 😔
45. calling jennie lazy while she was most likely going through a lot just makes you an asshole.
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