honestly a lot of recent beastars has felt a little bit off? Rushed and not as thought out with real strange choices. I still believe Paru wasn't doing stuff herself and was being pushed by editors cause it feels way too Shonen.
- dropping Yafya's whole hatred for carnivores despite that being a big part of his intro
- random generic Gang Fight Arc
- uptick in Straight Bait Scenes
- Melon kinda losing his depth to be Grr Evil in the end

all this feels a bit too...regular shonen series
like there's always been shades of shonen, understandable givin it IS a shonen technically

but it was never THAT shonen.

Plus they kinda just...dropped the Chimera thing, and the whale too. The whole "yafya knows the whale" bit seems important and is just forgot.
like all these threads feel forgotten, but I don't wanna pin the blame on her because lord knows the manga industry is hellish and editors have too much sway in the way things go. Plus ofc the Homophobia.
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