no but really the uk is making us pay the same amount of money for uni when we're gonna do everything online and we aren't even allowed to go to the library whenever we want because we have to book in advance and the opening times are 9:30am-4pm and it's gonna be overcrowded +
at any time even if you book in advance meaning that not everyone is going to benefit of the libraries and everything in here meaning that not everyone will have a peaceful place to study in me included because i cannot focus in my accommodation room literally this year has been+
a shit show for me everything was falling apart and i didn't even have the motivation to wake up for the live lectures like ??? i missed so many i don't even know how i passed the first year literally
i'm so angry rn because on top of the money we pay for uni we also have to pay+
for accommodation and that again is also expensive as FUCK and really if i knew it was going to be like this i would have stayed home this year it would have been a more peaceful place for me to be in even though i had to be home with all my family and this means more distraction
but at least i wouldn't have put them in such a bad place financially speaking because i feel so bad they have to pay for EVERYTHING even though it is an ONLINE YEAR like bro. i just hope i'll find a job i badly need one i just want to help them pay for my studies
ok that's all i'm sorry i just had to get this off my chest somehow i'm sorry if it's too negative please tell me if i need to tw this thread i don't want anyone to be uncomfortable
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