I don’t understand why the Muslim community doesn’t talk about animal cruelty in products enough, because the products you might be using sadly may not be not halal an animal was killed and tortured for it 💔 (look through the thread)
Prophet Mohammed (peace be upon him and his family) said “Whoever is merciful even to a sparrow, Allah will be merciful to him on the Day of Judgment.”
Now I’m not saying that u are not a good Muslim for using it ,the world we live in have made it hard to make that switch and go crueltyfree especially if u don’t have the money but be aware of it talk about it and try to look for few brands to vote with ur money to make a change-
Here’s how to start look at only what you need as using so many products is harmful for the environment then go through ur products and google “is ____ crueltyfree 2020” and look through the many blogs and posts people make and if it’s not look for ones that u can afford and try-
them until you find something you like and if u can’t? No shame in that u can always help people be aware of it talk about it
Now if you looked through ur products and wanted to switch never throw away what you already have don’t be wasteful remember that more animals will be-
Harmed when we produce more waste and lastly try keep up with this issue companies are greedy, change their ways so much and they also greenwash so be aware of that we don’t want to support their lies we want to show them that we want change-
Now here’s a few brands that don’t test on animals and i was able to switch to and recommend :
•dessert essence
•Natural forever (the Bahraini brand)
If this thread gets old research about them before in case they start testing on animals
Thank you for reading ur a hero for that thousands of innocent animals might be saved because of a little change you made
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