Just got to MALT! The community is overwhelmingly helpful!
All kinds of needs are being met down here.

I was told that @PDXEWOKS are currently looking for Sleeping bags, and winter coats. But not anymore clothes at the moment.
Volunteers are showing up and being put to work sorting clothing and other donated items.
Toys, books and other child essentials available down here as well.
Masks are being passed out to everyone who enters.
@VetsWall and Casey from Custom Bicycle Works are out back repairing bikes for those in need.
Casey has been out all day fixing bikes and now has a line in front of them.

They came out a few days ago to volunteer at MALT sorting donated items and noticed how many people were in need of bicycle repair, so today they came back out with all their tools and a bike stand.
@PDXStreetMechs are out in full force at MALT, about 5 cars are currently being worked on with more in waiting. One car getting an oil change, one car getting it's steering fixed, and a few other things that are beyond me.
The Lloyd Center parking lot is actually the cleanest I have ever seen it. The only garbage I see is collected and awaiting pick up.
Milk, Cheese, Butter, and HAM all donated and ready for those in need.
A local citizen asks a volunteer how to sign up to receive these items.

The look of joy on his face when told that there was no need to sign up was the best thing I've seen all week.
Food being prepared and served for anyone that needs it down here at MALT
They even have bad advice on deck for those that need it.
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