Regarding the lightskin vs Darkskin debate on the tl:
There is no doubt that dark skinned Ethiopians have been called names, ignored in media and degraded. Our culture doesn’t celebrate dark skinned Ethiopians like it does the rest. Even without being colonized, the effects (1)
Of colonization is present. Look at our films, our models, and more. It pushes for lighter skinned women to be the center in media and the darkskinned women as maids and etc. To act like dark women are not discriminated is is pure denial. And to the men joining this convo (2)
Women are affected by colorism more than men. To silence the women speaking out, frankly it’s not your conversation. I want to add to the lightskin (I am talking very lightskin) ethiopian women who feel that they too have been called names and their Ethiopianism questioned (3)
I do agree and have seen lightskin ethiopian women being called “nech” and their Ethiopian identity question. Even so far to the point that the identity of their families is also questioned. HOWEVER, discrimination and prejudice in my opinion is not present (4)
Lightskin Ethiopian women have never faced the same hate and discrimination in my opinion. Culturally and socially. One day we can finally hear the true victims of colorism, the gambella people of Ethiopia. Who have seen and faced the biggest discrimination in our country (5)
And others who are darker than the “typical Ethiopian.” I will also add that this is a good discussion to have because it has been long overdue. But through conversation maybe we can begin to fix the problems within our own country and celebrate our diversity(6)
Good thread on this:
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