I want to take a moment to talk about how I got to where I am now

When I started creating content, I had nothing. zip. Nada. I lived with my wife in a basement apartment and was broke. I would go and work 9-6 and then edit my YouTube videos from 7-2am. I did this for a year 1/7
I worked every single day. I studied, refined my skills. Looked to where I could improve. I was able to amass 10k subs after a year and a half

During this my wife got pregnant and 3 days before my son was born I was laid off from my job
I took a huge leap of faith and jumped to full time Youtubing at 10k subs. I worked EVERY. DAY. to make content. I studied more, read books, adapted, experimented, and began to learn. That was back in 2018. And now in 2020? We are almost 61k subs and still my full time job
I have my supporters to thank. They have helped more then I could ever say, and from the bottom of my heart I want to say thank you. You have helped me reach opportunities that I never thought possible. And I appreciate every single one of you.

But if you are struggling, and you are trying to get started, or trying to get early opportunities, please understand that it takes SO much work and dedication. Don't be discouraged. But do your research as well.

9/10 companies I work with on the channel, I approached THEM.
I spent MONTHS tracking down emails. I did research like "how to get games early" or "how to get review codes" and I figured out ways to do it. Then I sent DOZENS of emails over and over again to different people

I drove 6+ hours to conventions to meet these people in person 6/7
Only to introduce myself and hope that I could get a foot in th door. Nothing was guarenteed.

What I'm trying to say is, almost nothing is handed over for free. It takes do much research and work.

Work smart AND hard.
And know how to spell so* properly XD
You can follow @Canadianguyehh.
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