I am reminded, as the case for “biblical gender roles” rears its ugly head again, that in 3rd century a heavily pregnant slave women called Felicitas chose to give birth in her cell & walk to her death by wild beasts watched by 1000’s as entertainment.
God did not stop her execution on the grounds of her being a mother. All she had to do was burn some incense to the emperor & she could walk away & bring up her newborn. But instead she walked post-birth, bleeding, to her death for Christ.
So, don’t tell me that for women to walk like Jesus their greatest & highest calling is motherhood & the home. Because that’s not the story of church history. And it’s not our story as women of the church.
Think that’s just an old story, but that’s not the case now. It’s 2020. Iran. Revival is being led by women willing to sacrifice themselves for Christ.
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