Here are five MORE trans creators that you may not yet know whom you should definitely check out today! A thread.
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1. @PatriciaTaxxon does music AND video essays. She writes and produces her own work, which sounds simply phenomenal. Here is one of her albums that I love:
And here’s a cover she did of one of my personal faves, Stevie Wonder!
2. @korviday does top-notch video essays (and music!) about parasocial relationships, queer issues/representation, and the harmful myths we internalize in general. Here’s a video that is not only fun to watch but also incredibly insightful and heartfelt:
And here’s an impressively succinct song they wrote about Shane Dawson (and YouTuber apologies/branding in general) that is also a total bop:
3. @winterymute recently released “Parallel”, a downloadable bookmark RPG that looks fantastic and right up the alley of my viewership. “Parallel is a short correspondence poetry RPG for two players. [...] the entire game fits on one side of a bookmark.”
4. @ShonalikaTilak creates brilliant videos about gender (and synthpop music!). I’m always inspired by their work and just how in-depth it goes when discussing challenging and complex topics. Here is a video on Bo Burnham, one of my favorites:
A video about their work and why you should watch it is here:
Their music is here: @powderpaintband
5. And last but not least we have @foxxphyre who is a total wordsmith. Her ability to put into words the intricacies of social interactions is on a level I aspire to. I just watched this one today and I’m quite glad I clicked on it.
This is just the tip of the iceberg. Trans voices add so much depth and life to online spaces and I owe so much to creators I’ve worked with in the past. Feel free to add more names to this thread or promote your own work!
You can follow @mslola1904.
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