I'm not putting up the screen grabs, but the newest QAnon drops appear to be simply doxxing random people Q thinks are ANTIFA members, including addresses, using data put together by a right wing crank who often contributes material to Gateway Pundit.
Between QAnon's bloodlust entering the mainstream, hysteria about BLM/antifa causing the protests and fires, and the child trafficking moral panic gripping the country; it's clear that many Americans are truly frantic for the opportunity to start killing their neighbors.
These aren't kooks in fallout shelters. These are your co-workers, neighbors, and friends. And there's a good chance that if you're liberal, one of them thinks you're either a pedo, a Soros-funded communist, or a deep state agent. And they're in a blood frenzy over it.
I'm not saying these people are all killers. But many of them would gleefully inform on you for doing something totally anodyne, and cheer while state agents took you away for it.

The far right has gone from fearing government jackboots to revering them.
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