I just have some thoughts about #GameboysEp13. Hindi kasi ako maka-move on haha

I started watching BL’s because I got bored of straight shows only having lgbtq+ side stories. I wanted proper representation for the community. I then came across BL’s.
I liked it (at first)! I thought, oh this is the much needed representation the community needs. However, after watching a couple of them, it contains a lot of toxic tropes.

Husband = Top, Masculine, Aggressive
Wife = Bottom, Submissive, Timid
Another example:
The way they treat each other are so toxic. There are scenes where the whole conflict can be solved by talking yet they chose some rather unusual path to resolve it.

- some resort to secret keeping
- or stalking/following to catch them redhanded
There is always a power imbalance between the two characters. The “husband” is always the decision maker. The “wife” follows. Submission. Like whatever the “husband” says goes.
Another toxic trope they often use is non-consensual touching, kissing or sexual act as a way to show longingness. Actually, let’s not sugarcoat it. The romanticisation of Rape. It is so apparent in these BL shows. Let’s put an end to that please.
One of the character is straight but fell for the same sex because of the persistence of the other character. No. Just. No. LGBTQ+ people are born LGBTQ+, they are not made, convinced nor changed.
During the first few episodes, I thought they were gonna change Cairo from straight to gay/bi. But later episodes confirmed that even before Gav, Cai knew that he wasn’t attracted to women. That he was indeed Gay and was afraid of the reaction of his family.
Gameboys put an end to a lot of toxic trope that BL audiences are so used to. Actually, Filipino BLs (the majority) give the proper representation that the LGBTQ+ community needs.
When Gav in one episode teased Cairo about seeing his abs but said “with your consent”. That was properly executed.
The coming out scene:
This is not tackled in alot of BLs. Rather, strangers/friends out them without being ready. LGBTQ+ people coming out is probably one of the hardest things to do. Why? Because of the looming questions. What if my family doesn’t accept me?
The coming out seen is one of the most powerful scenes in the whole series. Seeing Leila acknowledge her “pagkukulang” with Cairo because she didn’t make her feel safe. She took the blame for it and made us want a mom like her. Her acceptance does not feel forced.
The use of conflicts:
BL series (usually) have very shallow conflicts and it usually is always just a misunderstanding and can be resolved by talking to each other.
One show that wasn’t like this is SOTUS S. the main conflict of the show is how Arthit is unable to be who he in fear of being judged. How did they resolve it? By talking to each other and giving time for him to realise that he’s ready and able to come out.
When I watched episode 11 of gameboys, I thought they were gonna give us a very shallow third party conflict. However, their conflict is not brought upon by a third party rather, it was brought upon by their own insecurities. Their doubts, fears and trust issues.
During episode 12 and 13: no one wanted to listen.
Whenever Gav says something, Cairo becomes defensives and says something along the lines of “What about me? Why can’t you understand me?”
And vice versa
How did they resolve it?
During the last outside scenes. Whenever one of them says something, the other tries to understand and tries to say it’s their fault instead of blaming the other person. Why? Because their love is bigger than the conflict.
This is how you end a conflict. By going 360. You resolve the conflict by going back to the start, the root. They were able to understand each other because they communicated. They had time to think of what they did and how that affected the other person.
I love the ending. I thought it was satisfying. We are getting a second season! However, if they decide to end it here, I would be happy knowing they were able to make it work despite everything. ☺️

Drama ko hayop hahahah
Sana nabasa niyo hanggang dulo and hondi kayo nabored 😂
PS: Favourite scene. As much as I wanted some CaiGav scenes. Pearl was my favourite character and wanted the Trip to be physically together since Pearl’s introduction 😂
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