Short thread on my thoughts as far as how we’re handling anti’s relentless attempts at defamation and what needs to change NOW!

Over a year ago when the brutal maliciousness picked up (targeting J/K), I would often get dms to block and report accounts and tweets that were attempting to spread falsehoods to ignite a scandal. These tweets would usually have ZERO interaction when they made their way to me.
It’s not until one person decides to engage...whether it be a comment, qt or rt that the issue receives widespread attention here and becomes an issue that often even reaches k media.
There is NO BENEFIT to bringing widespread attention to baseless accusations and rumors. Creating panic is also NOT helpful. I (kinda) get the instinct to tweet out “there’s a serious issue pls dm to help” but it just causes widespread curiosity that eventually leads to the issue
being shared publicly anyway. What we do in these situations affects real people, their wellbeing, their careers, their mental health. PLEASE be more thoughtful in how you handle these situations and NEVER use them for engagement (ex the classic “dm for what’s going on” tweet)
If you look back at the images beginning this thread, I would usually NEVER share a tweet like that but it already has an absurd amount of engagements and it is a good example. Accounts were retweeting something so disgusting “so everyone sees it and reports”.
😳😳😳😳 THAT IS NOT THE ANSWER. Please do not carelessly retweet maliciousness so it gets MORE attention in the hopes that the account will be reported. On top of your engagement potentially leading to the spread of information that could eventually reach the media and therefor
impact J/K, you’re also feeding an anti and creating a platform for them to wreak further havoc.
What so many of us are asking is that if you see something BLOCK AND REPORT and DO NOT ENGAGE. As I mentioned earlier, I often get PRIVATE messages with tweets to report.
This is the way we win. If you see something, block and report. If you know a trusted mutual that will do the same, dm them privately. It you don’t, move along!! Do not give it attention. Do not be the reason something so baseless and obviously designed for attention and/or
to cause a scandal even reaches the boys.
Often when antis stir up an issue that finds its way to stan twitter you can find me tweeting out nothing but positivity. It may look like I’m clueless. I’m not. I’m just not willing to play a role in the spreading of baseless rumors
and potentially hurt the person I care about most.
You can follow @kaexkook.
Tip: mention @twtextapp on a Twitter thread with the keyword “unroll” to get a link to it.

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