BRICE DE NICE (Brice From Nice)
So what exactly is "Brice de Nice", Brice de Nice is originally a character created by Jean Dujardin (yes the one from The Artist) in his ealy career for some funny skits on french television, where he plays a stereotypical arrogant skater teen from 2000's
Brice is arrogant, rich, a complete moron and loves to give people sleaky comeback to "KASS" them (which could be roughly translated as REKTING them in internet lingo) while doing this iconic gesture which represents a hand "breaking" something (yeah much like Shiki Tsukihime)
Eventually the skits were so popular that the idea of giving the character his own featured lenght film was cooked up, the movie will now be set in the French City of Nice and Brice is not a skater anymore but a wannabe surf king from a city with no waves hence "Brice de Nice"
The movie tells the story of Brice, son of the rich Agostini family, but he only cares about one thing, surfing, partying and watching his favorite movie "Point break" with which he has an almost religious obsession for its main character "Body" as he tries to ressemble his idol
The problem is that, despite dreaming of being a surfer, Nice is a city where there's no wave, except once in the past a huge tsunami hit the shore of Nice, since then, Brice is always looking at the sea, waiting for the day this mega wave comes back !
But one day, his life crash onto itself, his dad gets arrested and now Brice is strapped away from his comfort, now Brice has to face another kind of wave, the wave of real life, a wave he has avoided by living in his own delusional worl (and also because damn he's dumb)
On his journey, he will face many challenge, working at a restaurant, helping a man with weird feet to get surgery, avoiding the police, being an agent of chaos and eventually prove himself during a surfing competitions, where he'll find a rival : Igor d'Hossegor.
The movie was a huge success in France, applauded for his top notch absurdist comedy and became a cult classic very easily because of his crazy over-the-top energetic feeling like a cartoon brought to life, the movie play with our suspension of disbelief like in this scene
Despite all this, the movie ain't just a silly flick, behind this humor veil lies a surprising amount of depth, the story is pretty much about delusions and how to live an happy life while following impossible dream and when all odds are against us, it's kinda deep bro trust me
The first Brice de Nice has been translated in English by professional during the movie release, but never took off internationally, without a clear knowledge in french, most of the joke will go past a typical viewer head, but they did a solid job nonetheless !
After that, the Brice fad died off, and the movie was forgotten in time, but on one day, a sequel was announced, a sequel that'll REKT french cinema in half and ressurect the Brice fandom from its deep slumber

BRICE 3 (because he KASS'd the 2 in half)
11 years after the original, Brice 3 was about to hit the shore once again, bigger, crazier and even more absurd than ever before, the campaign for the movie is known to probably be crazier than the movie itself, fake pirate troll link, rap collab and of course A DAMN BURGER MENU
The fake pirate link was a freaking performance, the video shows you a few minutes of the movie (not even the beginning) followed by Brice trolling the spectator for 1 STRAIGHT HOUR of the character teasing the people for not going to cinema.

Later this vid was renamed "Brice 2"
Brice 3 tells the story of a way older Brice, being a snowboard teacher at a kids snow camp, always telling stories about all of his (mostly fake) exploits, one of the kid asks for "a real story this time" and now Old Brice tells us the story of his biggest adventure yet
Brice is now living in a hut on the Beach,but now he's just an old fool still living off his delusions, one day,he recieve a letter from his friend Marius, telling him to take the first plane, after getting expelled from his beach by the mayor, Brice now goes on an epic quest
Brice 3 is far different from Brice 1, while Brice 1 was more of a deep dive into's Brice personal life, Brice 3 choses to make the story entirely narrated by Brice with a brillant use of a unreliable narrator, the movie can go all nuts on the visuals and reference like here
Stripped away from the shackles of down to earth storytelling, Brice 3 is a brutal deconstruction of the first movie themes, that might not be up to taste to the early fans, Brice will face his own demons, get into even more crazier hijinx and destroying the 4th wall like a CHAD
Brice 3 doesn't just want to be the sequel to a cult classic, it wants to redefine the status of cult classic, it has more layers than Umineko a message more powerful than Hollow Ataraxia and an ending more Soul crushing than Muv-Luv Alternative

Are y'all ready to get rekt ?
Brice 3 is currently been fantranslated by @BilalThird and his team of passionate Brice fan, in order to bring the best of the yellow Nice surfer to the international shores, and give the King of Rekt the throne he deserves !

Brice 3 coming soon and ready to rekt your world !
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