So for anyone dealing with maskne, here are some things I’ve found to be helpful:
1.) products that have benzoyl peroxide as their active ingredient. I use a 10% acne medicine at night, and I cleanse with a 4.5% encapsulated benzoyl peroxide cleanser morning and night.
2.) toner on my mask and face (get a spray bottle).
3.) moisturizer, moisturizer, moisturizer. My favorite one that I’ve found is belif’s moisture bomb. You want to create a barrier between your skin and your mask.
4.) a squalene based serum. I like Biossance’s serum.
Acne dots.
Peace out acne’s dots are great but pricey.
Peter Thomas Roth’s are thinner and more affordable. They’re both great.
Cleansing as soon as I get home. Just wash your face as soon as you’re home and apply some moisturizer, and do your night time routine before bed. It’s helped a ton.
I quit using foundation. It was breaking up anyway, but it has helped so much!
I switched to Farmacy’s environmental protect sunscreen. (I never use moisturizer that is also my sunscreen (I read they’re less effective)
All of these things have helped reduce my breakouts and heal the ones I’ve gotten quickly.
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