top 10 worst kpop songs of all time:
10. at the last place we have, itzy’s wannabe. absolute garbage and got overplayed this year
9. snapping by chungha, can’t listen to it without feeling bad cause its so ugly
8. now i love the txt boys, but cat & dog should not be even considered a song like its a mistake
7. cute girls shit chorus and edm break or whatever they call it, i’m sorry to the onces but more & more is disgustingly terrible
6. one of the worst debuts ever don’t know why everyone hyped bon bon chocolat i can’t stand it
5. you might’ve noticed by now but all the songs in the thread are new, exactly! the past two years were terrible to kpop stans i feel bad for us. anyways kick it by 127 in 5th place cause its way worse than punch
4. now i don’t know if this is district 9 or hellevator but i know its absolutely terrible
3. can’t believe i’ve seen a lot of people eat up hala hala by ateez when its so bad i hate it so much
2. b*m* b*m* by kard, self explanatory
1. kingdom come.....sorry to the velvet girls
hey i’m a reveluv ahaha the last one isnt real actually kingdom come is my fav kpop song!
honorable mention: this song made by the worst group alive aka everyday by winner. its so ugly
honorobale mention 2. this 😒😒
1. the actual number one haha obviously the worst song is 100 by superm what an ugly song
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