Why #China needs #Nepal

China is constantly trying to seduce Nepal not because it needs a military ally to fight India. That’s a very myopic view of Chinese grand plan. The main reasons are :
1. Access - By making Nepal an ally, China gets to move its forces through .. https://twitter.com/detresfa_/status/1274982546426585090
Lipulekh area into Nepal from West Nepal, and from Sikkim’s side in East, both well motorised accesses and enables China to being its Armour and Army and threaten central India. The deployment of Indian forces here is obviously not as strong as in North and NE frontiers ..
of India, against China and even Pakistan. It’s the same strategy China is trying with Bhutan. To use the interiors of these nations to deliver its forces against lightly held areas in India.
2. Force India to deploy against Nepal - If chinese are able to do this, India will..
have to deploy on Nepal border too. That is not only a huge strain on India militarily and economically, it’ll cast a belligerent shadow on Indo- Nepal relationship. The free access to-from Nepal will be cancelled and one cannot deny that it’ll give rise to anti Nepal sentiment..
in India n likewise in Nepal. Hundreds of years of friendship stands risked.
3. Cut off Nepal recruits to Indian Gurkha regiments- If this is achieved by China, it’ll majorly impact recruitment of Nepalese soldiers to an integral part of Indian Army, Gurkha regiments. It will..
ensure that the support system ( india pays around 84000 crores in pensions and benefits alone to Nepalese soldiers and families ) is dwindled hence adding fuel to fire on anti India sentiment.
4. Communist movement - with a communist government in Nepal, and creating access..
into India, China’s support to Naxal and Maoist activities will multiply multi fold creating enormous internal security issues within the country.
5. Access to Bay of Bengal - Chinese long standing dream of having access to Bay of Bengal will inch forward with this one step..
and it’ll definitely try and exploit it to create road till Bay of Bengal and create huge ports and subsequent Naval presence in the bay.

What’s stopping this ?

Nepal is traditionally long time friend of India. A country we share a lot of cultural heritage with. There..
can be a low ebb in relationships but with nearly 8 million Nepalese in India and 6 million Indians in Nepal, all making their living in a comfortable friendly environment, it’s nearly impossible to shake off the archaic bonds. The present and and the PM Oli is hanging by nails..
and there is a very strong anti communist government sentiment in the country and generally common Nepalese would prefer siding with India rather than Chinese, whom they see as invaders of culture, economy and land.
Chinese dreams on this would be shattered, and much of it ..
will be due to resolve and friendship that Nepalese people have for India. However, Indian diplomacy and military leadership will have to burn midnight oil to find solutions to counter chinese offers and traps and ensure that relationships are maintained.
Jai Gurakh. Jai Hind.
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