1/12 When the people don't think (like an NPC or Zombie) they vote for whoever they are told to vote for.

If they think a little, in today's world, they are disillusioned because no matter who they vote for, tyranny seems to reign.
2/12 If they think more, then they know that the sacred role of record-keeping in our society, journalism, has been corrupted by liars, frauds, and sycophants for criminals.
3/12 And this makes it hard to see a good candidate if one emerges, like Trump, and others who truly care and want to do good.

If there are no truly good men or women to vote for, then voting matters little (which has been true for 50 years).
4/12 But if a truly good men run for office, like Trump, and many others who are running this year, then our vote matters more.
5/12 A good candidate does what a good leader does—they take on the incredible task of trying to represent the values and needs of those who can't or are not able to do so for themselves.
6/12 Sometimes, and historically in most cases, a leader that is truly good comes about because no good leaders exist.
7/12 And the people are disillusioned that they themselves lack the wear with all or skills to face the challenges of leadership in a world filled with frauds, cheats, and criminals.
8/12 Today, more and more people are realizing within themselves that they can lead, and take on the role of defender of rights, goodness, and truth, for themselves, their community, and even those who fight against them (like a truly loving parent).
9/12 A vote matters most when it is based on one's earnest desire to make the world a better place. Through careful study, they select and support a candidate who objectively has the skills and values that support freedom, life, and altruism.
10/12 A vote cast for emotional reasons, for unthinking dogma to "go along" with a crowd, for token reasons (e.g. the first Black President or first Female President) is dangerous...
11/12 ... used by the deceivers in our world who want to capitalize on our good intentions that aren't tempered by critical thought.
12/12 For the first time in decades, good candidates are emerging, and despite censorship, you can find and hone your thinking so as to know why a candidate is actually a representation of your values and can make the world a truly better place.
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