Six months as a full-time freelance writer and here are some of the lessons I've learned [THREAD]
1. Always ask for more money. 100%. Companies (especially bigger pubs) are giving you the LEAST they can. Most of the time, the worst they can say is no.
2. A good relationship goes a long way. Once you make connections with editors, they'll potentially send you assignments, can be a go-to for ideas you can't land, and just generally are more pleasant. If you're nice, honest, and consistent, they're going to want you to win!
3. Stay organized. Keep spreadsheets of pubs, rates, and your assignments. You don't want to scramble to find what you need. For invoicing, I use @WaveHQ and it's a lifesaver whenever I'm wondering when I'm supposed to get paid.
4. Think long term! For everything. Your socials should all match (forever mad that Twitter won't let me be @bygabriellesmith...), be your name, etc. Think multiple streams of income. Make goals. Reflect on what you've done at the end of each month.
5. Learn what kind of writer you are & what works for you. I realized I'm NOT the kind of writer that can pump out 10 articles per week. I have ADHD. I burn out easily. I gotta pace myself.

So don't take every job offered to you. You may deliver poorly as a result.
6. Take breaks. Listen to your body. My combination of ADHD + Anxiety can often be a nightmare. So, I'll take a midday name and hope my brain resets. Sometimes, you gotta take a day off in the middle of the week. Make this thing work for YOU. Otherwise, why not just get a 9-5?
7. Last one! Fuck scarcity mentality. Befriend other writers. Don't look at it like a competition. Don't look at it like networking. Create a community and help each other out. If we all ask for more, we will all get more.
You can follow @gabrielleasmith.
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