Things I noticed after losing 10+ KG- thread:
- I almost never feel uncomfortable in clothes anymore, unless I'm bloated from my cycle
- I completely stopped wearing clothes purely bc i felt they "pulled me in" (tights, etc)
- My face shape completely changed- even though I had finished puberty long ago
- My jaw went from a U to a V even though I still have an overbite 😑
- I stopped getting offended by fat jokes, my ex even complimented me on responding w sarcasm after he implied I was fat bc I KNEW I wasn't
- I feel like less of a poser in gyms, even tho im not in great shape
- I'm more confident. I smile at strangers more and even compliment some
- People treat me better, even with more respect
- I'm considered semi attractive now, even though my facial features and hair are meh at best
- I dress better because I'm less afraid to look like a clown
- There is no one I cant borrow clothes from as long as I have a belt
- I became more focused on other things instead of food
- My skin improved a TON
- This one is weird but I smell better?
- Clothes shopping is SO much easier
- I spend less on clothes bc ali/wish fit me
- I've started to experiment w fashion and color bc I feel good in most things
- I've stopped getting hungry. Ever. I get grumbles and emotional binge urges, but I dont actually get hungry?
- I stopped grinding my teeth n breathing heavy in my sleep- i think bc there's less fat
- I sweat waay less
- I dont resent walking places + am more proactive abt doing things for others to get more steps in
- I stopped avoiding certain angles around my friends so they couldn't see my chins/fat
- I'm actually more nourished than b4 bc i track macros now
- I enjoy myself more around other ppl bc im not worried about my fat or weight as much
- I stopped being able to binge over 2-3K calories bc my stomach shrank
- [PERSONALLY] my hair got softer/less frizzy bc i took vitamins and drank hella water. YMMV tho.
- I stopped getting uncomfortably bloated after eating anything bc I eat better now + stopped purging
- I'm less anxious around food bc i know I have control and can fit it into my cals
- I shower with the lights ON
- Someone dead ass didnt think my ID was me

Might add more
- I don't get bloated cheeks from purging anymore
- I don't get dismorphic over water retention bc I track sodium
- likewise I bloat less bc less sodium!
- I spend much less money on food, even w expensive protein bars
- i dont get out of breath, even when climbing stairs
- I've gotten smarter bc i study when I want to binge and learnt nutrition
- I self harm & CSP less bc i use fasting and exercise to cope
- I'm never denied food, ever, even if someone's cooking bc they want me to eat
- i can enjoy eating out w ppl bc i make better food choices
- ot but one of the things I used to distract myself when fasting is now an accredited corse which may turn into a career!
- i (sometimes) get euphoria when i feel my stomach n its amazing
- my bra size went down at least 1 cup which as an enbie is👌
- I have (some) cheekbones??
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