gemini, libra, aqua ✉️🦋

you are running fast. youre still facing a strong desire for freedom, spontaneity, something new and fun. i see you looking around all over. it’s like you’re ready to branch out and explore a new rhythm. you’re being asked to slow down a bit.
the old way may have you feeling stagnant, paused, & bored. you just left a cycle and now youre like, “whats next?” and while youre entering a new space, it’s important to slow. can you rest? can you be still? you’re trying to run forward and run fast.
you don’t want to feel caged at this moment. you want to exist in a space of love and happiness. it looks like you’re running free through a maze but i see you hitting dead ends. this means you are running into the same problems, the same spaces.. overthinking and hitting a wall
it’s because you’re moving forward too fast. there are more lessons for you to implement. there are different ways for you to move around. you have the freedom. you have the time. you have so many options and choices. there just needs to be more structure around and more patience
within. structure your business. structure your love life. structure your home, your room, your mind. it’s good that you’re flowing down to journey but youre trying to flow to security and stability through external things when you could already have it in your stillness
there’s a greater level of seriousness or discipline that you need around you. and i don’t mean be harsh on yourself. i’m just saying don’t get too antsy. you are exactly where you need to be. make sure you don’t get lost in another, in a situation, in a job? in whatever..
bc i see you can sacrifice yourself in light of some temporary goodness. people sacrifice long term stability for short term pleasures like love, money, sex etc all the time. it leads to back tracking, breaking your own rules and values and falling
into old ways. slow down. stick to what brings you long term stability rather than rushing into something in hopes of it being long term. build something solid. it will take time but
dedication, discipline and structure will ensure your long term pleasure. take it easy babe. it’s not a race. your happiness and success will always be there waiting for you. i know you see your potential and thats amazing. just remember, it’s coming. no need to run!
if this is for you, you will know in your heart! tips are highly appreciated and never taken lightly! may all energy & support given be return tenfold!

thank you for the support ❤️❤️
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