I don’t take liberals or their faux “concern for minorities” seriously. They spit out slogans like “vote like your skin isn’t white and you’re an immigrant”— while ignoring how we actually chose to vote in the primary.
To them didn’t count until votes looked how they wanted it to, after delusional media segments and proactive campaigning against said groups voting preferences, and a status quo coalescing around a racist rapist.
“Petersen likes Sanders’ plan because across-the-board forgiveness “cuts down on bureaucracy, which is something we see a lot of in Indian Country,” he says. “Deciding who gets help increases the cost of providing that help.” https://www.vice.com/en_us/article/8xwnmg/how-bernie-sanders-won-over-young-native-american-voters
All of that information was there to willingly talk about— even though it was largely ignored when it counted. It’s part of why Sanders dropping and backing Biden, trying to give advice only to be seen as being “divisive” for giving said advice is stupid
Said it yesterday or the day before, liberals and Democrats want allegiance— because they definitely don’t want the truth or to help the people they pretend to care about— who want:
-an end to US imperialism
-free college + cancel student debt
-Medicare for All
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