September is ovarian cancer awareness month! So you should read this thread. (Useful for those who do not have ovaries, too, because I’m sure you care about at least one person who does own a pair)
Ovarian cancer is the deadliest gynecological malignancy. Why? Because there’s no test for it - no Pap smear or mammogram. Early symptoms are vague and often are ignored by doctors and patients alike.
Since it’s difficult to detect, it’s EXTREMELY important to prevent, especially if you have a family history of ovarian, breast, or cervical cancer.
How to prevent? Prevent ovulation as much as possible (it’s inflammatory af and each cycle increases your chances).
-Combined Oral Contraceptives (reduce risk 30-50%!!)
-Pregnancy - especially first pregnancy before age 25, if you’re into that sorta thing
Other ways to prevent are the same old you hear all the time: maintain a healthy weight, exercise, and don’t smoke.
This thread is in honor of my maternal grandmother, who passed away in her early 50s from ovarian cancer. There’s her and my mom and I, when I was just a baby.
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