
the work doesn't stop when union arrives. that's actually when the real work for you and your twin just begins. majority of you have done a lot of work already but that work was for YOU. separation was made for you to find wholeness within yourself. during this time, you've—
found your voice. your purpose. your inner knowing. you've connected with inner child, your ancestors, your spirit guides, your deities, your higher self, etc. you've learned about forgiveness, unconditional love, and trust. loved is what has healed you. as you've been learning—
to let go of resentments, the past, fears, doubts, and regrets. it made it easier for you to release control and live a more carefree life. you should make an effort everyday to be better than the "you" that you were yesterday. you can't worry about people and things—
you have no control over including your person. love isn't possessive, controlling, or conditional. if you only love your person for certain reasons or on certain terms then you need to work on opening your heart space more because a lot of you keep trying to rush something you—
might not even be ready for. you're letting your ego drive you to madness. some of you want your person for egotistical purposes such as getting back at their karmic, getting back at your person because they could've hurt you, sexual pleasure, or to prove a point to someone or—
society. you're creating blockages with this. if you're always angry at your person, always impatient, controlling, or talking ill towards your person and their karmic. you're just making things delay. if you think separation is punishment rather than a time for self development—
then you're viewing your journey wrong. in order for this connection to thrive, you and your person have to rebuild a solid foundation. there's a need to for stability within the connection in order for it to completely ground in the 3d, but the stability starts with yourself.
if you're unstable and ungrounded, the divine will not bring your person towards you. for some of you, your person could be feeling unstable at this time. some of you could be mirroring this frantic energy. others of you could be in empress mode. you may miss your person, but—
you're not allowing their emotions or their process of closing out karmic cycles affect you. you've realized in order for you to be whole, you have to learn to embrace your wholeness without being attached to the energies of your other half. mirrors don't need to depend on—
each other if they're the same? right?so if you feel that your twin has things that you lack and you're dependent on them for those things. it's because you're NOT looking WITHIN. codependency is what keeps you apart. look inside yourself because you already have what you need—
there. as you look within, use the knowledge and insight that you gain as well as the lessons you learn, and apply them to your life and your connection. if you both want this, you both have to work towards making it happen and making it work. your ego needs to decrease, and—
your heart space needs to expand for one another. listen and respond with your heart and not your ego. when you shift your focus on the right thing, your connection won't leave you with anxiety. you need to shift the focus back on yourself and your priorities in order to feel—
calm and secure about your connection. for those that have mastered detachment from their counterpart, your person is tugging on your energy HARD. they feel like they're losing you because you're not obsessing over there. they are rushing in towards you. i feel like—
they could be breaking things off with a karmic right, or just trying to get out a rough situation before they come towards you. they're coming to terms with so many things right now. they're currently in hermit mode rethinking their lives. coming to terms with reality—
self awareness and just the hardcore truth. they can no longer hide from the signs that are directly in their face. they're trying to gain back control over their emotions at this time. they're figuring out their next move, but they've been thinking about you. i see some of them—
confused as to why you've been in their dreams or thoughts so much. they can't escape you. some of your persons are discussing you with friends and coming up with a plan of action for movement within this connection. some of your persons are understanding what this connection is.
i really feel most of you will be in communication in the months of october, november, and december at the latest for the rest of you. especially if you're a pisces, leo, virgo, taurus, gemini, cancer, or sagittarius (sun, moon, rising, venus). the colors blue, red, purple, or—
black could be significant. you could be seeing 222, 333, 444, 555, 1111 and frequencies of 6 or 7. this person bas been watching your social media lately. they've been peeping your tweets and pictures you've uploaded but they're being quiet about it. this person is sorry.
i see them hitting up via text starting out with casual conversation then it leading up to hard truths, chokers, and unrevealed feelings they've kept to themselves. i feel some of you will be really shocked or speechless, but just take your time before you respond. no rushing.
they're going to patient with you this time around because they want you to be patient with them. this person could ask for your hand in marriage a few months or years after you guys hit it off because for this group of twins i'm talking to. your person is NOT letting you go.
they see you as the one that got away so they will get you back. you could be dealing with an aries, aquarius, taurus, virgo, libra or cancer (sun, moon, rising, or venus)--if you still have things to work on, work on them and your union will come.
for the rest of you, get ready because they're on the way🥺💕 you could've recently been near water and seen a dove.

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