I feel like everyone in the US should be required to visit at least 3 other countries to gain perspective on how good we have it. Running water, electricity, clothes to wear, cell phones, etc. People out here complaining and protesting about wearing a mask?? Whew the entitlement
For those joining this thread, I want to be clear that I don’t think the US is this superior country that has no issues itself. Point of tweet is that there’s so many REAL issues all over the world worth protesting for vs over wearing a piece of fabric
I also don’t feel that everyone has dispensable funds to just pick up and travel abroad. But look around you at so many who struggle to have basic needs met or who are persecuted for their skin color, their religion, their sexual orientation, etc.. Our focus should be on fixing
those issues that are REAL and important. Wearing a damn mask is not an inconvenience compared to what people deal with on a daily basis!
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