“It’s not sex.”

Yeah, okay Donna, sure whatever you say... https://twitter.com/bestofdarvey/status/1305543267107434499
cut to them fucking around covered in whipped cream...

but sure you didn’t wanna bone him, absolutely not miss “i think about a lot of things” paulsen

liar liar pants on fire
also like i know they’re soulmates and made for each other and perfect and blah blah blah

but like... most of all, they’re hot as fuck and they’re fucking horny for each other... and have been since day one

that’s all
exhibit a, in the darvey is horny for each other trial:
anyways, sorry just felt the need to clarify that they love each other and are married but also wanna fuck each other’s brain out on a regular basis
i just feel it’s important to remember that... they’re fucking all the time now because they can... and wouldn’t you? if you slept with your soulmate one time and then dicked around for 14 years?

if i were donna i’d never get out of bed
anyways long story short: darvey is hot and horny as fuck — end of this unintentional thread
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