The overall response of primary care in figuring out how to balance and manage the competing risks during the pandemic has been nothing short of heroic. Particular shout out to @dave_dlt @drmdsmith @CliffJonesGP @DrPeterWeeks1
But there are many others
These things are never perfect. There will be trade offs and downsides. There will have been people who have been disadvantaged. There will even have been a few colleagues who could have done more.
This is a fiendishly difficult job, catering for all needs. It's an immense personal emotional drain for those that care deeply about their role in the community and feel conflicted about managing infection control and the diverse needs of their patients.
Equally GP leaders like @NikkiKF also care deeply and are trying to navigate a course through very choppy waters. Now is not the time for mutiny, but to consider the reasons why the press may wish to pick this up and spin it. Politically motivated much?
Let's stick together. We need to, more than ever.
And you @AnnaMarquiss1 @DrSueGoodfellow , I am looking at you xx
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