Trump has shown blue states dont have a president. He allows west coast to burn with barely any action but insulting dems. He wages war on dem cities. He threatens to cut off blue states. @GOP insults blue states

If there is not a blue wave, blue America needs to secede...1
...I know this is radical, some would think a tantrum. I am serious. The largest states in this country, the most financially productive, the net givers that are financing the red states that hate blue states, have next to no government. We have a senate that throws out...2
...the Constitution by making up rules to block a democratic president from placing a Supreme Court justice. We have Republicans who work as hard as they can to stop democratic cohorts from voting. GOPrs want an authoritarian, anti-democratic country that hates half of its...3
...citizens. Our own government considers itself at war with half of the country - again, the most financially productive half. One side isn't concerned about education, the other is. One is anti-science, the other isnt. One side considers equal rights to be an abomination...4
...the other doesn't. One has an entire propaganda media system designed to generate conspiracy theories and hatred of its fellow citizens, the other reports on how the other side hates us. The blue states finance the red states, then when there is a disaster that hits blue...5
...states, red state leadership says "fuck you. We're not helping you." Red states worship guns over kids, blue states want reasonable gun control. The blue states dont have a federal government, have half a country that hates them, are feeding tons of cash into red states.../6
...which are too uneducated, too deceived, too hateful to understand that they live off blue state money. Blue states are subjected to pollution demanded by republican leaders. There are no shared values. Nothing logical means binds them together but history. And yes, blue...7
...states would be divided from red states by cross-America. Just like USA is divided from Alaska. Just like USA is separated from Hawaii. There can be coastal unification, or two countries united the same way the EU is. And support for red states would stop. Let them find...8
...out how much Fox has been lying to them. We could easily have a 2 year right of return or departure on both sides - if blue staters want to go to a red state, go. If red state citizens want to go to a blue state, go.

Blue majorities are dictated to by a hateful minority..9
...which is clinging to power with every anti-democratic means they can find. They have robbed blue states of a federal government. They loot the states for cash and then refuse aid when needed. They make their fellow Americans their enemies.

So, if this is not fixed, leave.
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