This last week has brought a fair bit of negativity to my timeline.

Time for some positivity. ☺️

Tell me something about yourself that makes you happy.
Tell me why supporting the rights of others matters to you.

Follow backs for the best answers. 😜
Ok, I'll do me.

I like that I can laugh at myself, I don't take myself too seriously.

I've lived through a lot, been through some difficult times, yet I've never lost my sense of optimism, for myself and for the world. I really do believe we could create a better world for all.
The rights of others matter because everyone deserves to live in a world where they are respected and valued.

I'm a passionate ally to all, especially to women and to trans people, because yes - you can be both.

I don't know an LGBT+ person that isn't also a feminist or ally.❤️
You can follow @DavidPaisley.
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