A BEGINNING AT THE END ebook is on sale for $2.99! Pandemic with hope for cheap!

Az:  https://amzn.to/3itEzUW 
Bn:  https://bit.ly/2ZB8TFR 
Kobo:  https://bit.ly/2ZyS12m 

Please boost! For each RT, I'll add a pic of my sweet dumb dogs & cats in this thread
1. Appropriately , A BEGINNING AT THE END was first drafted in 2011. Here is my favorite photo of me and my beloved late corgi Lola from 2011. Lola was too lazy to finish the 3K Mutt Strutt so I had to carry her over the last 1k.
2. Here is Lola from 2011 the day we brought her home from the rescue. She walked in and peed on that black rug in the background. Also, artifacts from 2011 include a digital camera and Playstation 3 controller (coffee table)
3. Still from Lola's first day, we knew she got settled when she finally relaxed on this blanket. That's our schnauzer Tiger in his "basket of irony" (it had a floral print and he was a smart, grumpy dog and not flowery at all)
4. Here is River, who many of you know. If you've HERE AND NOW AND THEN, she plays Bamford in that book.
5. River with fellow HarperCollins author @AlexCearns and her book of greyhounds.
6. Akasha (Queen of the Damned, of course) is not amused sitting with these A BEGINNING AT THE END ARCs. But she still says "Buy it for cheap so my owner can get me more food."
7. Marceline is our quarantine kitty. Here's when we met her at the shelter.
8. More Marceline
9. We knew Marceline was getting comfortable when she took to this bed in the window
10. This is Nermal, whom readers will meet in WE COULD BE HEROES as Normal. She is just as awkward in the book.
11. Our first greyhound was Indy, was the most awkward dog I've ever met.
12. Greyhounds love to sleep. Serious, they are the most low maintenance doggos.
13. Lola wearing her Elsa costume. She was VERY tolerant of wearing outfits and costumes.
14. My wife carries around our dwarf cat Maggie (6 lbs) in her hoodie. With the N7 hoodie, Maggie is Shepard's favorite cat on the Citadel.
15. Here's Maggie when she's NOT on the Citadel. She always looks like a kitten even though she's 8.
16. Lola actually didn't mind taking baths, and she'd get super fluffy during drying off. These are corgi problems.
17. River sleeps with her mouth open. She is not elegant at all.
18. This HUGE black pyrenees belongs to my wife's step-sister's mom's dog (step-aunt?). Kiddo included for scale. She is a GOOD DOGGO
19. Here is River with two books from her favorite author @KatWithSword. By the way, it's Kat's birthday so you should also buy her books and/or wish her a happy birthday!
20. Here is Nermal when she was just a few weeks old. We were bottle feeding her at this stage, I think she was about 8-10 weeks old.
21. Nermal was a true orphan found at my in-laws. We got her this stuffed mama cat with a heat bag and heartbeat insert to help her feel more at home during those first few weeks.
22. Marceline: "It's over Maggie. I have the high ground."

Maggie: "You underestimate my power."

Marceline: "Don't try it."
23. BOOP
24. Lola may be gone but she supports our firefighters during this difficult time
25. That time my wife made a rotisserie chicken and Lola watched with envy as the cats got to sniff it (she was scared of the cats)
26. Before kiddo was born, we volunteered for the annual @PeninsulaHumane kitten nursery each spring. Bottle feeding, playing, and cleaning the kittens (and cleaning their kennels). It was, as you can see, very enjoyable.
27. Shoutout to Golden State Greyhound Association, which literally buses in rescue greyhounds. When the new hauls come in, they have day-long events to pick up your rescue (you have to sign up and get vetted). Here's when it arrived with River.
28. Unlike her namesake, Marceline the cat loves the sun
29. Maggie is not pleased to wear a hot dog costume
30. When we're at the vet, Nermal tries to flatten down as much as possible to hide
31. Nermal, reacting to the news every day in 2020
32. Special appearance by Gunner the Rescue Otter, from @CuriOdyssey1 wildlife preserve in San Mateo
33. River knows how to rock the flower crown
34. Epic sleepy greyhound nose boop
35. Marceline, in a rare calm moment
36. Yin and yang
37. Nermal is really providing all of the 2020 reaction shots
38. River (co-star of HERE AND NOW AND THEN) and Nermal (co-star of WE COULD BE HEROES), and also my wife's USB keyboard for her Elder Scrolls Online gaming
39. One of my favorite Lola pics. She would always wait until she heard the car start to sneak upstairs and eat cat food. This is one of the times I forgot something and came back.
40. Lola was a very, very, very patient dog
41. These two ding-dongs. River's mask is just starting to turn white here (a lot of greyhounds start doing that around 4-5)
42. Akasha is not amused with my marketing initiatives
43. River is very confused with this art
44. Marceline's toe beans
45. Our schnauzer Tiger was the smartest dog I've ever met. This photo is actually when we were on the 2-hour drive to meet (and pick up, because I'm a foster failure) Lola the corgi
46. Here's Tiger when he was cleaned up after a visit at the groomer. You can see a greyhound nose in there, that's Indy (our first greyhound)
47. Confused greyhound boop
48. Selfie greyhound boop
49. Green Bone Saga greyhound boop with @FondaJLee!
50. Special appearance by bobcat rescues at @CuriOdyssey1 !
51. Maggie turns anything into a bed, including boxes of cat food
52. Marceline is helping with virtual kindergarten today
53. More of Nermal hiding at the vet
54. Shoutout to @TheSweaterCats for these illustrations of our cats. Here is Akasha, who is always scheming and irritated with everyone.
55. Clear picture of Akasha for reference to the previous photo.
56. Lola buried in plushies
57. One of my favorite photos buried in fuzzy friends
58. My daughter made an "animal rescue center" for her plushies and Akasha likes to sleep there at night
59. Completely undignified greyhound nap
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