Dualism: the secret religion of the elites.

A thread.
The media is not happy that tens of millions of #qanon followers around the world are pushing the 'debunked' conspiracy theory that the elites worship Lucifer, engage in child sacrifice and other unspeakable things.

Q post #133 refers.
This is perfectly true of course but it's actually not the whole story, believe it or not. I want to go through the bigger picture of where the Satan worship fits in and point out how dualism and its key tenets are presented in our culture all the time so that we'll swallow it.
The world is run behind the scenes by a number of different secret societies united by a single characteristic: they are neo-gnostics. That is, they follow the idea that secret knowledge is the key for mankind to escape this current reality and ascend to the higher realms.
Freemasons, Gnostics, Skull and Bones, Illuminists, Rosicruicians, Templars and the like are all devotees of dualism and the beliefs of gnosticism. For an introduction to this worldview, I recommend Dr Michael Heiser's lecture series on gnosticism:
You only need the first 45 mins of that vid to understand the belief system. Heiser is an outstanding scholar and is an expert on the original texts of gnosticism. For a longer, more newbie friendly presentation on dualism, this is the key video (1.5hrs):
If you doubt the mutual devotion of these societies to dualism and each other, here's Albert Pike in Morals and Dogma talking about level 32, the Sublime Prince of the Royal Secret. Source:

Dualism is characterized by the belief in the equality of opposites: there can be no light without darkness, no good without evil, no order without chaos. Our current reality is merely a construct, created by a dual-natured God called the Demiurge.
The Demiurge himself is a created being who was brought forth by Sophia who is a being a level below the ultimate reality, the Pleroma. Refer to Heiser's video for the details.

The Demiurge has two natures: good and orderly as well as evil and chaotic.
Gnostics call the orderly and good side of God by the name Adonai, the God of the OT. And they call the chaotic and rebellious side Lucifer. Adonai created man and subjected him to slavery in his order. Lucifer is the cool rebel who wants man to escape this slavery.
Ultimately the two opposites in everything, including the Demiurge himself, will be brought together and made a single whole. When that happens a portal will open and mankind can ascend to the higher realms and escape this construct.
This alchemical synthesis of opposites into one whole is called The Great Work and is represented by this picture - a two headed being with unity of male and female, son and moon, light and dark, square and compass. Source:

This insane bullshit is never presented out in the open by the gnostics otherwise it would be analyzed and criticized and then rejected for being nonsense. No, it's secret knowledge known only to initiates like 32nd degree masons (and you now of course - haha).
Instead, dualism is injected into popular culture and merely presented as the underlying reality. TV, movies, music videos and even some video games are drenched in dualism. If we see it over and over again, then maybe one day we'll think, oh yeah, that's how things really are.
Exhibit A: The Matrix trilogy. Neo must escape the Construct, an artificial existence created by a dual-natured creator made up of the strict orderly Architect and the freewheeling, smoking and rebellious Oracle.
Exhibit B: Tron Legacy. The dual-natured creators are re-integrated (synthesized) at the end which destroys them both but allows the son to escape from the Grid (a construct) through a portal that opens. Flynn and Clu are clear reflections of Adonai and Lucifer.
Exhibit C: The Truman Show. A perfectionist godlike figure called Christof (get it?) keeps Truman inside an artificial construct that he must escape.

There are many examples of this default dualism worldview in popular culture: evil ordered god vs chaotic good god.
Earlier I said the dual headed nature of God is good + orderly versus evil + chaotic. That's incorrect: they believe it's evil + orderly versus good + chaotic. Lucifer is actually the good guy in dualism: he's helping mankind to rebel and ascend to become divine.
Adonai: strict, perfectionist, bad half of the Demiurge
Lucifer: cool, chaotic, rebellious, good half.

How does Lucifer deceive man in the garden? You will not die! You will be like God!

I see a bunch of wild gnostics have already appeared in the mentions. To be expected.
So if a bunch of neo-gnostics are in charge, what can we expect them to be pushing? Perhaps things like the blurring of male and female, the worship and promotion of androgyny, order out of chaos, Man combined with machine.

Opposites smashed together to make a whole.
9/11's anniversary was a couple of days ago. That was a dualist ritual of note: the twin towers were destroyed and One World Trade Center, consisting of two interlocking prisms, was erected in its place. The two became one in a ceremony of destruction.
Freemasonry has a lot of dualism at its core: checkerboard symbolism, equality of opposites, the square and compass coming together with the G for Grand Architect (Demiurge) or Great Work in the middle, the two pillars joined by the Royal Arch.
I'll finish with a digression: the keystone. The Royal Arch of Freemasonry is an arch connecting the two pillars of Jachin and Boaz consisting of a number of smaller bricks made up of opposites.


The final stone that connects the arch is the keystone, as for any normal arch in masonry. Q asked us a few times to 'find the keystone'. My initial theory was the CIA - saw a book that quoted Allen Dulles as saying the CIA is the keystone that holds the IC together.

Then it was explained by Q as the key = the door of all doors (information) and the stone = the power that gives the ability to act on that information (the US Mil and the NSA).

I think there's another meaning as well - and it's to do with all this dualism.
David Anthony Ruck was the whistleblower who revealed last year that he was the guy that organized the Christchurch false flag on the orders of HRC, JP and Ardern. In this video he says he was one of the 1000 Points of Light:

The elites planned for mass destruction followed by a fake second coming of Christ where we would all have to swear allegiance etc etc. The problem he says (~ 7min mark) is that 'Trump has the keystone' - the access to all this technology to activate these 1000 deep cover agents.
I think this keystone equates perfectly with the keystone of the Royal Arch, the final piece of the arch that connects the two sets of opposites together to produce the final act of destruction as envisioned in dualism.

Except POTUS has the keystone. Oops.
So when you see constructs (sorry) like One World Government, One World Order, United Nations or a single world currency, realize the religious significance of them

We barely escaped.
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