I've almost given up on any balanced discourse about children, #COVID19 and schools, as everyone seems intent on either pretending children are not affected at all, or becoming borderline hysterical over the point

Case study: US daycares

This study from daycares in Utah has been amplified by high profile figures on twitter as a "big deal"

12 children infected (by staff) with 12 secondary cases, all in their homes, with no mention of transmission in the facility

A "big deal" 🤯


That study is 3 days old and has an altmetric score of over 4000

That is insane

12 children with 12 secondary cases in over 3 months

How is this even newsworthy?

Both of these studies show basically the same thing; children can catch it and transmit, but the rate seems pretty low

The way they've been packaged is different: one is balanced and says, "with careful measures, this seems ok"


Children need us to move past this slightly hysterical, polarised way of talking about the risks of schooling, how we can mitigate against them, and how these are weighed up against the harms of lack of education. Particularly where it's become political

We can do better

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