One of the reasons the Left is so good at enacting their agenda, why the ratchet only goes Left, is *because* they use every single position they hold to break the rules to seize more power.
To the best of my knowledge, I am the first and perhaps only person to clearly explain the Leftist "protest" scam.
Which is:
Democrats promise extreme Left policy to their voters to win the nomination, then they run as a moderate. Everyone knows this. If they govern as a moderate, they lose their base. If they govern extreme, they break campaign promises and lose votes.

They have a solution.
they pay individuals to lead protests for what they want.

The Democrat in power points to the protesters and says: "See all these people? Clearly, they represent millions of constituents who have changed their mind. Therefore, I must listen to them and enact Leftist policy."
The mainstream right is way behind, and are still sputtering that the March for Life gets more marchers than many Leftist marches, so why don't the politicians respond to the numbers there????

The Left doesn't care about the protesters. It is only a pretext to break normal rules of politics: that you must keep your promises to be re-elected.

They found a method that lets them break the rules with little/no penalty.
And they do this everywhere, all the time.

Ask Obama an embarrassing question, and low-level state/local bureaucrats will abuse their access to dig up dirt on you.

Breaks all sorts of rules. Did anyone get named, much less punished?
Of course not. They seized and wielded power.
It's what the Left does.
Obama was perhaps the most lawless President we've ever had.
We will never know the extent of what he perpetrated on the nation.
We do know he forced gunshop owners to break the law to set up a situation where mass slaughters of Mexican citizens could be blamed on US gun laws, as a pretext to seize guns in the US.
Folks, this was an act of war.

Mexico didn't blink.
The MSM covered for him, as did the entire DoJ.

No one was even suspended.
I'm not going to list every issue.
But think about all the things he did, and see how the Left used everyone and anyone with any power to protect the power grab, and let them get away with it.
For PP/ACA, low level judges denied standing of people who were actually going to be hurt by PP/ACA, on the grounds that the hurt hadn't happened yet.
After the hurt happened, they denied standing on other bases.
but when they want to stop Trump, standing is granted to anyone for just about any reason.

For instance, someone sued in *Hawaii* about Trump's policies on Latin American illegal aliens crossing the border.
There is no place with less standing on that issue than Hawaii.
Leftist policy is like water: it fills every space. It finds any crack. You put it in govt, it *becomes* the govt. It can flow anywhere, when it gets enough mass, it can smash anything:
Obama exploited the rules to address domestic terrorism to unmask Trump officials, including a retired 3-star General!, and truncated quotes and leaked half-truths to establish Trump and his officials as traitors.
But perhaps the most important move he did was to *first* expand the number of people that could access the unmasked information.

Because then it would make it easier to hide who did the leaking.
The Left uses everyone, exploits every power they have, ignores every law or restriction on their power, knowing that they can massage the information battlespace to get away with it.
The Right's biggest problem is we are too concerned with our individual situations to be able to fight back against the United Front attack of the Left.
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