i’ve been trying to figure out a way to express this feeling for a while but it’s really been bothering me how army will create context for the boys’ emotions. like we only see what they share with us, so obviously there are a lot of gaps in our knowledge of them.
that’s not a bad thing; it’s the nature of a parasocial relationship. but because of this, we may not be able to read their emotions/understand their reactions as well as many armys seem to think they can. we don’t always have context for reactions, and so armys create context.
this is really dangerous because it leads to a projection of OUR personal feelings and biases onto the guys, in a way that i don’t think is fair. then the rest of the fandom takes these narratives, without original context, and runs with them and it causes havoc.
examples that come to mind: jin being quiet in dynamite mv reaction video. armys don’t know why. they take this silence as a bad thing. theorize that he is sad bc of limited screen time. big accs create hit tweets about it. reactionary solos send a fucking truck.
another example: jk sharing that he feels worthless without bts. armys wonder why this could be. consider that they want more solo jk songs. create context that he must not feel fulfilled as a solo artist. make email templates for more vocal line solo releases.
this thread got long but all this to say: we don’t know context for most of what bts is feeling. creating context and projecting our biases onto their openness is a massive issue in this fandom that creates false outrage and feeds into solos agendas.
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