This is a thread about my experience.
For a few months we were talking, this person learnt my address, most aspects of my life, continued to reassure me I was safe, he was safe, he offered to buy me a secret sim card so we could 'talk' he pressured me to let him attend my appointments, he told me a sob story
It started with information about how his wife was taking him to court and his wife would not allow him to see his son, he had reasons however I can't remember them. He told me again and again about this, story changing constantly, he also told me he was abused as a young child-
And that's why he was like he is now. After some time I began to feel unsafe and tried to exit the situation but was guilted into staying. So I did. Until I began getting messages from people I'd never heard of on twitter warning me who he really was and that he-
Was targeting vulnerable, mentally ill women and children. As he was convicted as a paedophile in 2013, and has spent 5 years in jail. I was told he had made hundreds of accounts, he manipulated anyone he could, I had never been so triggered or unsafe in my life-
Around this time i was dealing with being a victim of a crime already so was in extreme danger.
I decided to look into the details myself, found 4 different Facebook, 3 blogs, 1 pintrest under his real name containing a board full of children.
I in the end felt I would only be safe if I tried to call him out, exposing who and what he was, showing people what he was doing. This ended with me being blocked, nearly every acc he made and I found, he had blocked me, he blocks anyone who knows who he is
He it outed, waits to block anyone who interacts, puts his account on private, continues his cycle of abusive behaviour, changed his @ and it continues. He is an abuser. He told me he was 'tricked' by the police into meeting a 13year old girl from online, the officer-
Posed as a child to catch them trying to meet up with them, ie catch a paedophile with intent to cause harm
He doesn't believe he has done wrong. He thinks it's everyone else's fault and he took his son, who was a baby in a pram with him to meet this child.
2 years ago this was all reported to the police, there was a large group of us making sure everything was sent off. However the police did nothing more than give him a warning.
After this, they moved into the lgbtq+ community, a lot of us think-
This was because he was not safe in the mh community. As he had never shared any interest in being part of the lgbtq+ community before.
This is my last tweet on this publicly, please feel free to inbox me, ask me stuff, etc but please please please stay safe and if you can, block this account, this is 1 I know for sure is him. I'm sorry for the public message about it, I really didn't want to talk about this
Oh also I fully put my hands up at this, other than the article etc I don't have screenshots of our interactions as I deleted them after this situation continuously made me suicidal and unsafe
They are probs somewhere on my twitter dms but I can't find them atm. I'm sorry
You can follow @_pariah.
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