Laws are subject to amendment and your culture isn't exactly a parameter of morality considering you burnt women alive when their husbands died, didn't give them access to education and treated them like second-rate citizens not that long ago but:
1. Many sanskrit religious scriptures and sacred texts from ancient & medieval India not only document but also celebrate sexual fluidity and homosexuality. Gay gods Varun & Mitra, are frequently mentioned in Rig Veda, and there are mentions of lesbian intimacy in Ramayana.
2. Khajuraho temples, built between 950-1050 vividly picture homosexuality. Attaching 2 pictures out of the hundreds for homophobes who are too lazy for a google search 😘
3. Kama Sutra, a Vedic text compiled in the 2nd century, speaks to the sexual practices of lesbians, gays & the “third gender” community. It celebrates 8 types of marriages, including “gandharva", a marriage b/w 2 men or 2 women.
4. Babur, the founder of the Mughal empire, writes in his autobiography about his love for men openly without any shame/fear. Love stories featuring homosexual couples are widely chronicled across history.
5. 11th century CE scholar, Al Biruni and others documented homosexual and bisexual Sultans with male partners like Mahmud of Ghazni & Malik Ayaz, Alauddin Khilji & Malik Kafur, and Sulta Mubarak's open, polygamous relationship with 2 men.
the Centre twists and distorts religion & culture as it sees fit to suit its own bigoted narrative. But all of this being said, in a democratic state, the law must not be influenced by religious/cultural notions. The judiciary's job is not to dole out moral judgments;
it is to ensure that every citizen has access to the fundamental rights given to us by the constitution. There is no religion without flaws, but your personal beliefs should not infringe upon someone else's right to life, liberty & dignity.
another great thread:
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