Homosexuality in it’s own isn’t something that we Indians were unaware of or punished by death unlike some. It is everything that comes along with it today, the price that must be paid. The jackals want to tear down everything the old world stood for. They must never be allowed.
Homosexuality isn’t just some merciful human rights struggle here.

It comes along with the package of #smashbrahminicalpatriarchy , the package of hungry jackals who want to tear this nation down & live in an anarchy of hedonism, islamophilia and marxism.
Any proudly hindu homosexual should stop lying to themselves that the bigger picture doesn’t exist. Your support to BJP or Hindutva is irrelevant if it means giving you what you want will also quench the thirst of the leftist jackals who have sinister intentions.
Do you understand the Vedic Marriage Sacrosanct rite does not allow marriages between Men- Men or Women-Women? The sacred Arya hymn of Surya’s daughter being given to Soma is the prototype of the marriage act of our society; has been for 3000+ years. Why should it change?
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