Has Dave Rubin ever actually criticized Trump, or does he just do that Centrist™ thing where they say "I disagree with Trump on many things, BuTtT" right before completely agreeing with him daily (& literally never voicing any of those "many disagreements" they apparently have)
I'd respect him if he just put on the MAGA hat. No one cares he's pro Trump, we already know. But to still play the "I'm above bias & the left's partisan tribalism!!" card is beyond comical. Be a party politics conservative, totally fine. Just spare the Rational Centrist™ grift.
I don't know, if you have time to share screenshots of dumb Sarah Rao tweets 2x a day (someone w/ ZERO influence) & act like its the end of the world & 'another example of lefties hating America', yet literally never say anything when GOP politicians with actual power do wrong..
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