Roxane Gay says after being gang raped all she wanted was to eat. To make her body big because a bigger body would protect her. I just wanted to have sex, I was desperate to have sex not because I had missed it, because I wanted to remember what it felt like to say yes.
I wanted to feel in control, to win my body back. I barely enjoyed Sexual encounters but I felt better knowing I was in control & allowing what was happening. In an interview Roxane was asked about being gang raped by Trevor Noah and the way her face and voice changed made me cry
No matter how long it takes, you never get over being raped. It's never a distance memory, you mind remembers everyday. You are triggered by sound, colour, smell, touch. The date it happened is a trigger, the touch of someone you love is a trigger. Rape takes over your life.
So how someone can think rape is funny and worth joking about will forever confuse me. What's funny about someone being violated? How fucking sick do you have to be to joke about something so abhorrent?
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