
A Dystopia Story...

Great Grandad, what were you doing when when parliament was silenced, where were you when democracy died?
What did you do when an apocalypse was manufactured that resulted in the starvation of 2/3rds of the global population, but unlike WW1 and WW2 it left all the infrastructure intact for the elite to take ownership of?
You see Great Grandfather, in my one day a week of education away from the work camp, I have been learning about the "cold that cost your freedom".

Is it true that in England a dictator took power, completely destroyed the CJS, the NHS and most other support services?
That he deliberately encouraged civil unrest and then put in curfews and then kept imprisoning people at home?

Great Grandad what did you do when all this was going on?
What did you do when the 0.1% elite eliminated the middle classes and forced everyone else onto minimum wage or subsistence level communist handouts?
Oh, you see young one, you probably wouldn't understand now but in those last days of freedom and democracy before global communism (all hail our wonderful leader), in those days it was all about "Netflix and Chill".
PS: I am not advocating any criminality or civil disobedience.

I also wouldn't dream of denying the seriousness of #covid19 (after all according to the NHS at least 1,300 people have died from this without additional comorbidities),
I certainly wouldn't doubt the importance of wearing a mask and of keeping an anti-social distance.

My post is of course just a fictional reflection on the last breaths of democracy, in a parallel universe which is not the UK in 2020.
Image from The Hunger Games, some might say we are not far from this scenario with the unimaginable wealth divide which is widening at an unprecedented rate.

It certainly seems apparent that this is what that small super-rich & safe minority want as their preferred outcome.
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