🧵: How can Muslims of India protect themselves?

1. Migrating to a Muslim majority country. I'm not expecting every Muslim in India to migrate to a different country but those who can do it, should leave India ASAP to keep themselves safe. Remember, when idolaters plotted
..against the Prophet (saws), Allah ordered the Prophet to move to Yathrib.

2. Migrating to a Muslim majority state/Less communal state. South India will be the best choice for those who cannot migrate to a different country. Kerala/Tamil Nadu are two best states to migrate.
..These are less communal states and are southernmost parts of India.

3. Making a state of Muslim majority. Muslims can migrate in a large number to a particular state and make that a Muslim majority state. It sounds like an impractical plan but when a country could be ruled

..by a hindu majority, why can't we plan on making a state where all the Muslims could be safe under a Muslim leadership?

4. Make an organisation which works at national level and be a part of it. We've hundreds and thousands of organisations in every city/state but we do not /4
..have an organisation which works at national level. Making an organisation exclusively for only Muslims & inviting them to join would be the best idea. It should have different units- a group of lawyers, doctors, teachers, volunteers socially active. If you can't be a king,

..be a king maker. An organisation must work in such a way under the good leadership that the orders/commands must be accepted by every Muslim. Ex; voting a political party, every Muslim must vote only that party which the leader chooses after discussing with other members.

5. We alone can never defeat majority, hence form an alliance. Join hands with other persecuted minorities like Dalits. Help them when they're in need, respect them, eat with them, they understand our situation better because they're going through the same thing since decades. /7
6. Support within the community. When you see another muslim in need, help them. If you cannot do it yourself, take help from others within the community. This social upliftment will help us remain independent and stable.

P. S.

There might be a lot more points that could be added or I might be wrong at most of the points in this thread. Please feel free to correct me or add points. I'd appreciate it. 9/9
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