I'm not one to hold idols to some higher moral ground and that they have to behave like model students at all time, but certain jokes should be off the limits, EXO has told exols numerous time not to diet and that we are beautiful as we are and so on and while it may seem trivial
especially to those who are happy about their looks, those who are less confident, it might mean a world to them, especially if you are young and just growing up to an adult.

Idols know better than anyone what a struggle it is to maintain a weight and the pressure they face
so they should be the last one to make those jokes on someone's expense. They are creating content that will be consumed by their predominantly young fans. Who might feel discouraged as well by seeing idol call another one pig. And excuses that it was endearment or joke don't
cut it, cause he didn't say it as a compliment. He was laughing his ass off what a funny joke he made.

I'm not saying he is terrible person and deserves hate, but it is necessary to call out the comment for what it is, because next time someone calls you or your friend
pig or fat, YOU might excuse it as a joke, she might excuse it as a joke and yet on the inside feel bad about it, but ending up blaming herself for being too sensitive and unable to take it.

Guessing weight incorrectly is fine, saying "pig" amount for the sake of joke is not.
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