im thinking about how id make a movie version of Chess. again. why am i like this???
like okay, because on a meta level no staged version of chess it the same i'd love to be two have cuts avalible in cinema, with slightly different endings, and not advertise it
I'd have the film open on Florence learning about chess from her dad and sing The Story of Chess
I'd cut the meriano song in half be even tho i love it and it sets up the romance, its TOO LONG and a bit to meta that early

I'd play around with all the post 'where i wanna be'/pre 'chess game 1' songs b/c that would drag on screen
I'd move you and I to after Anthem so we have a bit more of an idea of what they year between games is like and slam cut to One Night in Bangkok, to see how freddie has been

when i think of other things to add to my impossible idea i will add them to this thread
i'm trying to think of a way to have svetlana more involved, i think i need to find more boots of recent productions to take inspiration from bc in the early productions and the concert she only exists on stage for the last quauter-ish of the show which... i wanna do her right
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