How to get someone who asks you "Are you racist?" to change the subject immediately.

"Are you racist?"
"Can you define racism, please?"
"The hate of other races."
"Oh, so it is just the hate of other races these days? It used to be the love of them too. That explains a lot."
"How can you be racist for loving other races?"
"Because you're seeing race and making decisions based upon your perception of it. Whether that decision is to hate the person or to love them based on race makes no difference."
"I still don't see how loving other races can be racist."
"Well, you'll be pleased to know there is enough written on the subject to fill a library. It can be broken down into three primary forms of racism: racial romanticism, racial appropriation and racial fetishism."
I guarantee you any white person who calls you a "racist" will either be a racial romanticist, racial appropriator or racial fetishist. If they're engaged in all three of those things it amounts to black supremacy as they're not doing it because they think blacks are inferior.
So what would make a white person romanticise, appropriate and fetishise another race? I can answer that. It has been studied for over a century. It is a coping mechanism for clinical self-hatred that has morphed into hatred of one's entire group (internalised racism).
Self-hatred that becomes clinical is a form of body dysmorphia. The self-hatred starts with hatred of the body and abuse of the body (not taking care of one's appearance). They do things to drive other people away and then use that as confirmation of their "ugliness".
Having done everything in their power to make members of their own group reject them, they then start to hate their own group as much as they hate themselves and blame *them* for the rejection.
Maybe they're genuinely not attractive. But beauty is in the eye of the beholder. You can think you're unattractive, but other people can find you attractive. But often people who reach this mental state stop taking care of their appearance and have bad hygiene.
This is where it gets twisted. People that reach this point and who blame and reject their whole race for how they feel they have been treated can ofter develop fixations on other races, who, though they would never admit it, they see as uglier and lesser.
They start to think "I'm a loser in this group, but I could be a winner in that group." Or "Even at my worst, I'm better than them at their best." So they start trying to find a pathway into a different race.
It starts with racial romanticism, seeing other races as better than your own. This is a type of racism because romanticism is seeing things as you wish they were rather than as they actually are. It shows that in the subconscious they don't see them as good enough as they are.
You see this with a lot of white Leftists who are racial romanticists. They heap praise on the black community for every little thing they do. They overrate a lot of what they do. If they repeat the lies often enough to themselves, they start to believe it themselves.
It is similar to the way a parent lives in denial about their children's imperfections. Because they love their children, they need to believe their children are perfect and won't have anything bad said about them. The child can do no wrong.
Another classic example of racial romanticism is the whole backwoods redneck thing. They find some family of rednecks living off the grid that have interbred for generations who are engaged in all kinds of inhumane activity and they make films inspired by them.
However, if you change the backwoods to the jungle and the rednecks to a black tribe, even if they're interbreeding and engaged in the same inhumane activities, suddenly it is not an inspiration for a horror film. They're black. It must be spiritual. "We know not of their ways."
Some white Left-wing explorer will discover the tribe and sit there in fucking childlike wonder acting like every little thing they do is magic. "The young tribesman ran across the cattle's backs without breaking his neck proving he's worthy. Tonight we feast on a cooked child."
So the racial romanticist refuses to see the flaws in what they're romanticising and thus enters a constant state of celebrating mediocrity. They become angry and cry racist at everyone who can see what they're romanticising for what it is. They can't be wrong.
And you'll notice these white racial romanticist explorers are often made honorary members of the tribe and act like it is the greatest achievement of their life. This leads us into racial appropriation.
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