I made the terrible mistake of looking at the replies to FCB's tweet about the 4 captains.

...........*deep breath*

The captains are not YOUR captains. They are the players' captains. Their teammates chose them as representatives & liaisons w/ the board.
The captains do more internally than what you see on the pitch. So you do not have the information to determine who should be captain.

Ter Stegen is not captain b/c his teammates didn't pick him. The end. It does not matter what you want b/c he's not representing you.
Better player doesn't always mean better captain. Captaining has to do w/ personality, seniority, respect from peers. It's irrelevant if you don't respect Sergi Roberto, b/c his teammates obviously do. His heavy touches have fuck-all to do w/ how he interacts w/ his colleagues.
It has apparently occurred to no one that maybe the 4 captains share duties, & carry them out in their own ways. If Messi is defending his team when it comes to contract negotiations or accusations from higher-ups, then he's doing his duties as captain.
If Busquets welcomes new players into the fold & helps them adjust, he's doing his duties. If Piqué lifts the mood in the locker room, he's doing his duties. If Roberto sets a good & non-intimidating example for La Masia, then he, too, is doing his duties.
As for speaking publicly, a captain represents the players as a whole & you don't need 4 dudes all coming out to say the same damn thing. What's the point of having a representative then? Piqué spoke this year & Busquets last year after the bad losses. I assume it's for the team.
This anger over the captains is totally misplaced. Changing captains won't fix performance. The main reason Guardiola's team won so much wasn't b/c Puyol was captain. I see no good reason why the current 4 shouldn't be captains. (Your personal dislike is not a good reason.)
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