reign intelligence. But using big data science and technology, Beijing has, clearly, taken it to the next level,” said Robert Potter, a Canberra-based cyber security, tech and data expert, who worked with the source to verify the .. Zhenhua data set." -

@IndianExpress #T113915
The IndianExpress

if not #India does #ethicalhacKing, #China does it #excellently, I get emails matching / referring my cousin sisters / nephew's daughters / own daughters, so I guess started #monthly delivery of e-mail to President / @RashtraPatiBhvn
@IndianExpress 915
from 26-Jan-2013? till Sep-2016? containing details / #reports of #Spams I received to my Inbox of #ComplainingID (I left it continuing due to personal / parental sickness reason). The #Spams #reduced in #numbers, and #MannKiBaat born out of this to #PM
@IndianExpress #T113915
Modi / @NarendraModi!

Almost every #Governments joins #handInglove with another #government to #monitor #unethically, instead of preventing this #harmful #unlawful #surveillance than what a #lawful reason requires for, if needed!

I guess, #India - #Chi
@IndianExpress #T113915
na - #America & #Russia has got some #taciT / #tacTical understanding to #deceive larger #Public in their respective #Country & #EyeballtoEyeBall Army positioning is a #GamePlan - some may without cause / reason die - but #government should #survive at

@IndianExpress #T113915
any cost! #You may not believe this, analyse what this four #national #leaders are doing, by #bigdatatools, you would be surprised.. all ( #IndChiRusAme) playingt game!
Use your discretion not #m2c!
@IndianExpress @PMOIndia @RashtraPatiBhvn #World ( #India #China #America #T113915
#HahahacKing, timing is very important to show their #prowess to #victim, just I finished my Tweet at #T113915 of this #thread, the #Government / #Governments #Cheap & #Chief #Surveillance #Tools: #Cellular #Network #Airtel @Airtel_Presence / @USCelluar?¿ send me a #SMS at T1139!
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