Imo fascism thrives in societies where people expect others to fix their problems or be subservient. It's a lazy man's philosophy that leaves governance to an endo-ideal they can misplace all their hopes, dreams, and responsibilities onto. It's built on being selfish.
Racists, Incels, Fascists are all lazy and selfish people; spoiled by an easy life they see slipping away as they grow older. It especially appeals to Boomers and Millenials because their social upbringing has encouraged taking and receiving instead of giving.
The modern fascist is the wail of a dying society. They cannot cope with change or progress. They violently want to keep this world in the past and project their fears & failure onto others. They don't exist within the same endoreality as the rest of us.
The same can be said for Tankies who idolize authoritarians under the guise of being communists. These individuals are also lazy wastes of space and like the fascist, they seek the same type of endo-ideal that will coddle them under a State or strong man. Indistinguishable
I'm not big on authoritarians, nor political ideologies that rely on the myth of the powerful great man, the powerful state, cryptocurrency, or an omnipresent collective of the so-called working class, which are delegated power over the lives of others.
Relying on a single ruler, State, the proletariat, or an oligarchy (whichever flavour of endo-ideal you choose) is a lazy man's governance and a fool's pursuit. It sets humanity into an infant state of mind that absolves us all of responsibility and duty to the global collective.
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