“A decade plus ago someone did something I don’t approve of, so that makes it ok for me to be an unrepentant bigot today. This is better because the us war machine definitely doesn’t leverage popular hatred to justify its deeds.” https://twitter.com/willkillherself/status/1305383388107485185
I’m also trans, but somehow I’m not jumping around defending slurs and stoking the flames of bigoted hatred. https://twitter.com/willkillherself/status/1305385994229813249
Yeah! Let’s defend trans rights! By shitting on people with intellectual disabilities!
You know what’s praxis? Slinging baseless allegations of “war criminal” at people while contributing to the same popular attitude that helped enable Aktion T4.
Dunning-Kruger strikes again https://twitter.com/willkillherself/status/1305389120647245824
Don’t confuse my flippant attitude towards bigoted purity cops with a flippant attitude towards the military. I’ve done more in the field of ethics and technology in the past decade than you’ll probably do in your life. Don’t mistake me mocking your ableism for caprice. https://twitter.com/willkillherself/status/1305389881242329088
I’ve done an entire career change and moved countries because I was disgusted by the industry I was in many years ago. You’re lecturing me and yet you can’t even apologize for saying the R word like last week. https://twitter.com/willkillherself/status/1305389881242329088
I will personally make sure this follows you for the next seventeen years
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